Observing the Gifts of Others: Reflections of Each Other's Light

I wasted a lot of time being ambitious about the wrong things. — Lily Tomlin
We all are gifted in different ways and possess unique talents and abilities that we can share with the world. Our gifts reflect our consciousness, and when we observe the gifts of others, we can learn from them, be inspired, and help them shine their light. Watching someone work with the Spirit to share their gifts is truly captivating. In these times of darkness, it is more important than ever to be reflections of each other's light. By observing the gifts of others, we can create a mirror effect that encourages the soul of their work to come out and play. This can be a powerful tool for growth, inspiration, and connection, helping us see the world in a different light and co-create a more beautiful and connected world.
I was recently reminded of the power of observing the gifts of others while watching Tracy Chapman's Grammy performance.
As soon as the performance started, I was captivated by the soul of the song. It was transcendent, beyond time, beyond space, and beyond beautiful. Witnessing someone work with the Spirit to share their gifts is truly captivating. Like many people, I have spent much of my life being ambitious about the wrong things. I have focused on things that do not matter much in the grand scheme of life. However, I have learned that when we take keen interest and care in observing the gift of others, it helps encourage the soul of their work to come out and play.
For instance, in my son's weekly Waldorf class, parents sit back with a notebook and pencil and observe their children as they play. Watching the children play and interact with one another is a beautiful thing to behold. When I take the time to observe my son and his peers, I can see the unique gifts and talents that they bring to the table. It is truly inspiring to see how they interact with each other, learn from one another, and grow together.
To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe. — Marilyn vos Savant
When we observe the gifts of others, it creates a mirror effect that can help encourage the soul of their work to come out and play. By shining a light on the gifts of others, we are helping to reflect their light back to them. In these times of darkness, it is more important than ever to be reflections of each other's light.
Observing the gifts of others can be a powerful tool for growth, inspiration, and connection. Whether it is watching a Grammy performance or observing our children at play, taking the time to observe the gifts of others can help us see the world in a different light. By being reflections of each other's light, we co-create a more beautiful and connected world.
Reflection questions: What is the consciousness that flows into our work? What is the soul quality of our work? What is its essence or Spirit?