What is Leadership for a New Age?
When we hear the term "New Age," we might picture incense, crystals, and tarot cards. And to me, it also means welcoming a new era of consciousness, in which people are waking up to the interconnectedness of all things and the urgent need to address the challenges facing our planet.
One of the most pressing issues of our time is climate change. The scientific consensus is clear: our planet is warming, and human activity is the primary cause. If we don't act now, we risk catastrophic consequences for ourselves and future generations of humans, not to mention the overwhelming loss of other forms of life taking place now and in the future.
But climate change is just one symptom of a deeper problem: how we've organized our societies. For too long, we've put profit and growth above all else, even at the expense of our health, happiness, our connection to Spirit and the environment. We’ve created a Western world where mothers and teachers are devalued. And we need a world where we put our children and planet first.
Let's embark on a new era of leadership and create mindsets and societies based on the core values of regeneration, reciprocity, and respect. By rethinking our economic, social and spiritual systems to serve the greater good, we can encourage enlightened relationships and promote goodwill as a new form of energetic currency.
There are many ways we can do this. We can invest in renewable energy, renewable ways of being, and in protecting the innocence of children and our inner selves. We can support regenerative agriculture and prioritize local food systems. We can provide universal healthcare and education and reconnect with the sacred teachings of those who have come before us. And perhaps most urgently, we can work to heal our personal and collective trauma, both from our own experiences and those of our ancestors. By taking the time to heal and prioritize our energetic fitness, we activate the power to become the change agents that the world, our communities and families need.
The cycle of family dysfunction can indeed be like wildfire, consuming generation after generation. Yet within this cycle lies an opportunity, an invitation for change. Breaking this cycle requires courage - the courage to confront the flames, to face the dysfunctions, and to say, "This ends with me". It's a journey that might seem daunting, but the outcome? It's beyond rewarding. By standing up, by bravely breaking the patterns of dysfunction, you are not only bringing peace to your ancestors but also sparing the generations to follow from the same turmoil. This act of courage is a gift of love - to yourself, to your lineage, and to the children yet to come. -Dr. Terry Real
Another way we can put children first by redesigning our societies by prioritizing their holistic development. This means valuing Mothers and other caregivers. It means recreating the village that raised the child together. It means not just valuing a child's cognitive abilities but also their emotional, social, physical and perhaps most importantly, spiritual well-being. We can do this by creating homes, communities and societies that are nurturing, engaging, and tailored to children. We can also prioritize play, creativity, and nature-based learning, which are essential for children's growth and development. We can create a society that values children as the precious and unique beings they are and that supports them in realizing their full potential.
If we take these steps, we can solve many social ills, from poverty and mental health to crime and the survival of the human species. We can create a world where everyone can thrive, where our children inherit a healthy planet, and where we live in harmony with each other and with nature.
Of course, this will be challenging. There are powerful forces that will resist change and seek to maintain the status quo. Whether this be in our personal lives or the collective. But we have no choice but to try. The stakes are too high, the risks too significant.
The new age of leadership is about more than just policies and programs. It's also about a shift in consciousness, recognizing that we are all connected and have a role in creating a better world. It's about tapping into our shared humanity, our shared aliveness, our compassion, and our sense of purpose.
So, let's welcome in this new age of leadership. Let's put the planet and our children first. Let's create a world that works for humans and is pro-life for all life forms. We have the power to make it happen. We do. And we can.